Showing posts with label IELTS EXAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IELTS EXAM. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Study Abroad: Scholarships To Study In Germany

Scholarship in Germany

If you want to study in Germany and need help paying for it, Germany has some scholarships to help you. Germany is cheaper than other places outside Europe for students. Living there costs about 934 euros a month. But living away from home means you need to be good at handling your money. Scholarships are there to help students with their money problems.

Here are four types of scholarships available in Germany:

1. DAAD Scholarship Programs: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports foreign students who want to study full-time in Germany. To get this scholarship, you need a Bachelor's degree and two years of work experience. The stipend amount of the DAAD scholarship for postgraduate students is 850€ monthly and 1,200 euro monthly for doctoral students.

Eligibility:  Students of all nationalities are eligible for these scholarships and are selected based on their academic proficiency.

2. Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships: These are for students at German universities, regardless of what they're studying or where they're from. To qualify, you need excellent grades and be involved in activities that support democracy, human rights, and sustainability. Students other than those in the EU will receive 850 euro per month in their Master's studies, in addition to individual allowances. PhD students from countries outside of the EU, will receive 1,200 euro per month, in addition to 100 euro mobility allowance per month.

Eligibility: Both German and international students planning to study Bachelors, Masters or Ph.D. programs in Germany are eligible. The applications are opened twice a year i.e March and September.

3. Erasmus Scholarship Programs: Erasmus helps international students spend a year at a German university. To be eligible, your university at home and the German university must be part of the Erasmus program. The scholarship pays for tuition, travel, and some living expenses.

Eligibility: Students of all nationalities pursuing Erasmus study program are eligible for these grants and they are selected based on their academic proficiency.

4. Deutschlandstipendium National Scholarship Programme: This scholarship is for highly motivated students with outstanding academic achievements from anywhere in the world. It is available at German universities that choose to participate. Some scholarships are given to students through public-private collaboration, like companies, charities, or people who want to help.

These private sponsors give students 150 euros every month, and then the government also gives 150 euros each month, making it 300 euros for the student. Each university gives out these scholarships, and this means that students need to make sure they meet the specific rules or conditions that the university sets.

Eligibility: MSc or equivalent degree with the minimum required IELTS/TOEFL/PTE test scores. Full funding of Ph.D. program for 3 years.

If you're interested in any of these scholarships, you'll need to meet certain conditions, so it's a good idea to check what's needed at the university you want to attend in Germany.

Source: NDTV

For More Information Visit : IELTS In Dehradun

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

10 Simple Tips to improve Your IELTS Speaking Test

IELTS in dehradun

Preparing for the IELTS Speaking Test can feel a little daunting, but don't worry! With some solid preparation and a few tricks up your sleeve, you'll be ready to shine. Here are 10 simple tips to help you prepare for the speaking section of the IELTS exam.

1. Practice, Practice, Practice

It's an old saying because it's true. The more you practice speaking English, the more comfortable you'll become. Use every opportunity to speak English, whether it’s with a native speaker, a language exchange partner, or even just chatting with Siri or Alexa.

2. Listen and Repeat

Listen to English podcasts, songs, or watch movies. Repeat phrases and sentences you hear to get the pronunciation and rhythm of the English language.

3. Record Yourself

It may feel a bit strange, but recording yourself speaking English can help. Listen back to see where you hesitate or make mistakes, and practice those areas.

4. Slow Down

Speaking too quickly can make it difficult to articulate clearly. Slow down your speech to ensure you're understood and to give yourself time to think.

5. Be Ready to Elaborate

IELTS examiners often ask you to explain your answers in more detail. Prepare for this by expanding your answers with examples or explanations.

6. Learn Some Common Topics

The IELTS speaking test often covers familiar topics like hobbies, travel, studies, and work. Prepare some vocabulary and ideas about these topics beforehand.

7. Don’t Memorize Answers

While it's good to prepare, don't memorize your answers. The examiners can tell and prefer spontaneous and natural responses.

8. Correct Yourself

If you make a mistake, it's okay to correct yourself during the test. This can actually demonstrate your language skills.

9. Relax and Breathe

Being nervous is natural, but try to relax. Take deep breaths before speaking, and remember that it's okay to take short pauses to gather your thoughts.

10. Think in English

Instead of translating from your native language into English, try to think directly in English. This will make your responses faster and more fluent.

Remember, the IELTS Speaking Test is your chance to show off your English-speaking skills. Use these tips, stay positive, and you'll be ready to tackle the test head-on. Good luck!

To know more about IELTS Speaking test, Read These article : 

        1. 10 Effective Tips to Impress the IELTS Speaking Examiner

        2. IELTS Speaking: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

        3. 10 Effective Tips to Impress the IELTS Speaking Examiner

Friday, November 3, 2023

IELTS for Beginners

 IELTS for Beginners 


  1. What is IELTS ?
  2. What does IELTS Score band means ?
  3. Why IELTS in necessary?
  4. What is the difference between IELTS or TOFEL ?
  5. What is PTE ?
  6. Which is easy IELTS or PTE ?

IF you are preparing for IELTS and have no idea what should you do and how to start ? Get in touch with us.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Increase Your IELTS Reading Pace with These Smart Strategies


IELTS in dehradun

The IELTS Reading section is one of the most challenging sections of the exam, and it can be difficult to complete in the allotted time. However, there are a number of time-saving strategies that you can use to improve your speed and accuracy.

Here are a few tips:

1. Read the passage quickly for the general idea. Don't get bogged down in the details at first. Just try to get a sense of what the passage is about.

2. Identify the main topic and supporting details. This will help you to focus your reading and make it easier to find the answers to the questions.

3. Don't waste time on unimportant parts of the passage. Focus on the main points and the information that is relevant to the questions.

4. Use skimming and scanning techniques. Skimming involves quickly reading through a passage to get the general idea. Scanning involves looking for specific information in a passage.

5. Don't be afraid to skip questions and come back to them later. If you're stuck on a question, move on to the next one and come back to it later if you have time.

Here are some additional tips that can help you to speed up your IELTS Reading: 

  • Practice reading different types of texts. The IELTS Reading section includes a variety of text types, such as academic articles, news articles, and fiction. The more different types of texts you read, the more comfortable you will become with the IELTS Reading format.
  • Time yourself as you practice. This will help you to get used to working under pressure and to identify any areas where you need to improve your speed.
  • Use a dictionary when necessary. Don't get bogged down in trying to understand every single word in the passage. If you don't know a word, look it up in a dictionary quickly and move on.
  • Don't overthink the questions. The IELTS Reading questions are designed to be straightforward. If you understand the passage, you should be able to answer the questions correctly.

By following these tips, you can improve your speed and accuracy on the IELTS Reading section and achieve your desired score.

For Detail article Read : 

Friday, October 27, 2023

IELTS 2023 : Exam Syllabus

 IELTS Exam Outline 2023

IELTS Syllabus

The IELTS exam is organized by the British Council, IDP, and Cambridge ESOL Exams. It is available in two types: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. The IELTS tests how well people can use English, especially those who want to study or work where English is the main way to communicate. The test checks your abilities in listening, reading, writing, and speaking English. Please remember that the listening and speaking parts of the test are the same in both the Academic and General Training versions. But the reading and writing parts are set up differently in these two versions. Based on the rules for the IELTS exam, anyone can take it because there are no special requirements. The lowest IELTS score you need to get into a school or move to a country where people talk in English depends on the school and what you want to study there. If you want to move to another country, the immigration laws of that country will decide what IELTS score you need.

IELTS Syllabus 2023

Section Number of Questions & Duration Content Marks
Listening 4 Recordings 40 Questions 30 Minutes + 10 minutes transfer time Four recorded monologues and conversations 1 mark per question
Reading 40 Questions 60 minutes 3 Passages (can be descriptive, analytical, factual or discursive) 1 mark per question
Writing 2 Questions 60 minutes Writing task (Minimum 150 words) Essay (minimum 250 words) Each task is assessed independently. The assessment of Task 2 carries more weight in marking than Task 1.
Speaking 3 Questions 11-14 minutes Part 1: Q&A Part 2: Speaking in detail on a familiar topic Part 3: Structure Discussion

Exam Pattern of IELTS 2023

Exam Variant Total Duration Listening Reading Writing Speaking Score Pattern & Range
Paper-Based IELTS Test 174 minutes 30 + 10 = 40 (Answer Transfer Time) 60 60 11 to 14 0 – 9 Bands with a possibility of 0.5 band intervals.
Computer-Based IELTS Test 164 minutes 30 60 60 11 to 14 0 – 9 Bands with a possibility of 0.5 band intervals.


IELTS Test Format

1. IELTS Academic and General Listening

  • General Rules and Guidelines
  • Can use both British and American spelling but should stick to one typeThe answer sheet has two sides One for the Listening test / One for the Reading test 04 Sections / 40 Questions.At the end, Candidates will be given 10 minutes to copy the answers onto the answer sheet

IELTS Listening Format

Section 1 : Conversation between two people set in an everyday social context.
Section 2: Monologue (A talk by a single speaker based on a non-academic situation,
e.g. in a film, play etc.)
Section 3: Conversation (Four Speakers -based on academic topics or course-related situations)Section 4: Academic Lecture (Monologue)


2. IELTS Reading (Different for Academic and General Training Modules)

General Rules and Guideline

  • All candidates are required to read three texts of between 2,150-2,750 words

  • The texts and questions increase in difficulty

  • All answers should be recorded on the answer sheet within 60 minutes. (ZERO score)

  • Each question is worth one mark

  • No penalty for wrong answers

  • Spelling is important – can use both British and American spelling

  • No Transfer time is Given

IELTS Reading Format

  • Texts are taken from books, magazines, journals, newspapers, notices, advertisements, company handbooks, and guidelines.

  • All written for a non-specialist audience

  • At least one of the text contains a detailed argument

  • 3 sections

  • Text range from descriptive and factual to discursive and analytical

  • May contain non-verbal materials such as diagrams

  • Length and Difficulty level of reading passages increase with each passage.

  •  Passages are different and shorter for General Training IELTS

  • Questions Vary from Summary Completion, Matching Heading to Paragraphs, Yes/ no /not given, True/ False/ Not Given, Multiple Choice questions, Table completion, Matching Information, Sentence completion and short Answers.

3. Writing (Different for Academic and General Training Modules)

General Rules and Guideline 

  • Allocate about 20 minutes Task 1

  • Allocate about 40 minutes Task 2

  • Task 2 is worth more marks

IELTS Writing Format:

  • Task 1 (IELTS ACADEMIC) Presents a table, graph, chart or diagram. The candidate must describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, describe an event or an object. (150 words approx.)

  • Task 1 (IELTS GENERAL TRAINING) Presents a letter to be written. The content required in the letter can be either

  1. Informal (To a friend, family member etc.)

  2. Semi-Formal (To a colleague, teacher etc.)

  3. Formal (Professional announcements, Letters of recommendation etc.)

  • Task 2 (Same for IELTS ACADEMIC and GENERAL TRAINING IELTS) Write an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem (250 words approx.)


4. IELTS Speaking (Same for Academic and General Training):

  • When the student enters the exam room:

  • Smile and act confident

  • Look at the examiner in the eyes

  • Confidently introduce oneself

  • Eliminate nervous gestures

  • Wear smart clothing

  • Speak clearly

  • Project your voice

  •  Avoid repeating phrases

  • Always say more than Yes or No

  • Time: 11 – 14 minutes

  • All Speaking tests are recorded

IELTS Speaking Format:

  • Part 1 (Introduction): This section of the test lasts 4-5 minutes and in it the student may need to give longer answers to questions to ensure they show their best ability. Part 1 will see the examiner ask questions that will require the exam taker to talk about themselves, about their likes and dislikes etc.

  • Part 2 (Individual Talk): The Candidate is given a verbal prompt on a card and is asked to talk on a particular topic. 1 minute preparation time before being asked to speak at length for up to 2 minutes. The examiner then asks 1 or 2 rounding-off questions.

  • Part 3 (Discussion Topics): The examiner and candidate engage in a discussion of more abstract issues and concepts which are linked to the topic in Part 2. The discussion lasts between 4 and 5 minutes. The examiner will ask questions that will reveal the Opinions and views of the test taker. Answers In part 3 will be longer and more detailed than in part 1.

Format Of IELTS Listening Section

Number of Recordings



30 minutes (10 minutes transfer time)


1 mark for each correct answer

Number of  Questions

40 (10 in each part)

Part 1 (Audio 1)

An audio recording in which a conversion between two people in an everyday social context will be included.

Part 2 (Audio 2)

An audio recording with a monologue set in an everyday social context will be included.

Part 3 (Audio 3)

A conversation between people up to four, set in an educational or training context will be included.

Part 4 (Audio 4)

An audio recording with a monologue on an academic subject will be included.


Types Of Questions In IELTS Listening Section

  • Multiple Choice Questions 

  • Matching 

  • Plan, Map and Diagram Labelling 

  • Sentence Completion 

  • Form, Note, Table, Flow- chart, Summary Completion


Format Of IELTS Reading Section


3 Passages


60 minutes

No. of Questions



1 mark for each correct answer


Types Of Questions In IELTS Reading Section

  • Multiple Choice

  • Identifying Information

  • Identifying writer’s views/claims

  • Matching Information

  • Matching Headings

  • Matching Features

  • Matching Sentence Endings

  • Sentence Completion

  • Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion

  • Diagram Label Completion

  • Short-answer Questions


Format Of IELTS Writing Section




60 minutes

Task 1

Candidates need to describe, explain or summarise data, processes or events presented through charts, tables, graphs or diagrams

Task 2

Candidates need to write an essay in response to a view, problem or argument.


Format Of IELTS Speaking Section


Oral Interview (3 Parts)


11–14 minutes

Part 1

The examiner asks general questions about the candidate and things associated with him/ her like family details, studies, interests, home and work etc.

Part 2

The examiner asks the candidate to pick up a card and speak on the topic mentioned on the card. The examiner will also ask one or two questions related to the topic.

Part 3

The examiner asks further questions related to the topics in Part 2. This gives the candidate an opportunity to discuss more and provide abstract ideas and issues.